Mauthausen Memorial

Mauthausen Memorial

At Mauthausen Memorial, as in Auschwitz-Birkenau, I was left speechless

Black and white photo of entrance to large, forbidding barracks with round tower on left, high square tower on right, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria

but the installations of the concentration camp itself…

Black and white photo of stone wall with lines of barbed wire on top, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
Black and white photo of section of fence with fields and trees in background, text on transparent sign reads 'Execution Site' with partly visible text below, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria

the words and facial expressions of survivors…

Black and white photo of large photos in exhibition, in foreground, elderly woman with glasses wearing striped blouse with collar in front of window, blurred photo in background of elderly man in stripped suit walking along barbed wire fence, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
Black and white photo of text in German and English with quotation 'Ich weine viel.' / 'I weep a lot.' and incomplete text below giving Wasyl Nowak as speaker, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
Black and white photo of section of large room with large photo of elderly man standing in doorway, photo set between two windows, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria

and the memorials to those who were murdered here…

Black and white photo of statue of woman sitting down, block wall with faint text in German in background, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
‘Oh pale Mother Germany / What have your sons done to you / That among peoples you are / Either ridiculed or feared!’
Bertolt Brecht, 1933
Black and white photo of long wall completely covered in plaques with photos and names of deceased, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
Black and white photo of stone plaque in inverted triangle shape on block wall, 
text in German, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
Black and white photo of text printed on glass and reflecting on surface beneath, text reads 'Nichts ist schwerer und nicht erfordert mehr Charakter, als sich in offenem Gegensatz zu seiner Zeit zu befinden und laut zu sagen: Nein! Tucholsky, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria
‘Nothing is more difficult and nothing requires more character than to find oneself in open opposition to one’s time and to say loudly: No!’
Kurt Tucholsky
Black and white photo of part of artwork with flat section on left and skeleton with head and arms uplifted skywards, Mauthausen Memorial, Austria

speak for themselves.

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