Helsinki by Design
Modern Art, Architecture and Design in Helsinki

As you might remember, I’ve already been to Harvard. But when I went to university in Finland, I got an A!

Aalto University Campus was well worth the visit, in spite of having to endure being lectured by His Lordship. Herself wasn’t overly thrilled at being schooled by him either! But it was quite an experience to spend time in this amazing auditorium designed by Alvar Aalto.

My poor little bird brain cells were stretched to capacity trying to figure out its design which incorporates the lecture theatres on the inside with a type of amphitheatre on the outside. Clever!
It’s no wonder the campus in Otaniemi is such a pleasure to stroll around, with buildings designed by this world-famous architect and designer after whom it is named, but also many other modern architects who certainly keep up the tradition and quality. Top marks to them all!

While I was still in an academic frame of mind, I decided to brush up on my Finnish in Helsinki Central Library, known locally as Oodi. This is another gem of modern architecture and quite a contrast to the Nordic Art Nouveau buildings the Oldies had been focused on so far.

I loved the lines of the building which reminded me of a ship, and the views of the city from the balcony were fantastic. The ultra modern interior is full of surprise nooks and crannies, and it boasts ultra modern technology, such as robots which collect and distribute books. I steered well clear of those yokes, terrified of being scooped up with the books!

Didn’t I tell you that gulls rule the roost in Helsinki? Well, here’s yet more proof: this giant seagull on the HAM, Helsinki Art Museum, which pretty much dominates this neighbourhood. The building itself is a converted tennis hall. There’s upcycling for you!

I have to admit that I didn’t quite know what to make of the modern art on display inside though. These giant eyeballs gave me the willies…

and those giant hands, ugh! What with that giant seagull… forget Gullible Travels; here I felt like a Lilliputian in Gulliver’s Travels!

I was bowled over by this beautiful wooden structure in the Kamppi area in the city centre. It turned out to be a chapel, would you believe, slap bang in the middle of the city. What an incredible design! Interestingly, there are no church services held there on Sundays. Its main purpose is simply to accommodate anyone who wishes to step in and enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet.

This crazy looking square nearby turned out to be the roof of the art museum Amos Rex, which is entered through the beautiful art deco Lasipalatsi, the Glass Palace. The square was a great hit with all the children I saw in the area. What kid wouldn’t want to climb over those space-age structures and giant green statues? Better than any playground, I would imagine!

We came across our old friend, Alvar Aalto again at the Design Museum Arabia. Or at least his famous glass vase design, a real classic! I enjoyed wandering amongst the colourful displays of the best of Finnish designed ceramics and glass.

I especially liked these glass birds. Very stylish. Of course, the wonderful sea views from up there on the eight floor of the restored Arabia factory building were also high on my like list.
I knew there’d be no escaping the factory shop on the ground floor on our way out. Sure enough, the Oldies spent a happy half-hour poking through the Arabia and Iittala glass and tableware. Thank goodness for luggage restrictions, otherwise half the shop would have been coming back home with us. One item slipped through, however…

Would you look at that – they’ve put my mug on a mug!