Early celebrations

Early celebrations

Seamus the Seagull standing on rock beside pond with reflections of house, trees, roofed wooden seating area in waterLife is a walk in the park at the moment. The weather is still wonderful – sunny and quite mild – so it is hard to believe that this pond will soon be frozen over and used as a skating rink and for Eistockschießen. Translated as ‘ice stock sport’, this is somewhat similar to curling and is played mainly in Austria, Germany and Südtirol in Italy. I don’t really get it, but the locals go mad for it. They love Eistockschießen so much they also play on asphalt so that they can play all year round.

It is also hard to believe that the Christmas season is underway. Like in Ireland, the Christmas decorations are already up and the Christmas lights have already been lit. I suppose the Austrians have a good excuse to get an early start on the run up to Christmas because Advent is such an important tradition here.

Today is the first Sunday of Advent and the Nikolomarkt, St. Nicholas Market, is taking place here in town. It strikes me as being a little early, seeing as the feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated on 6th December, but at least it is all in a good cause as it organised and run by and for the local fire brigade. I am still trying to figure out what it is all about though. Men dressed as St. Nicholas in centre and two Krampuses, one on either side of him at Nikolomarkt, AustriaRight, so we have St. Nicholas on the one hand – the good guy, the one who gives out the bags of goodies to the kids. And Krampus on the other – the baddy, the one with the horns who threatens the naughty kids with his stick. No sign of either of them yet, so we are just strolling around, enjoying the atmosphere and checking out the traditional fare. Yummy! Sausages, hot chestnuts, Schnitzel sandwiches, bean soup and homemade biscuits. And what do we have to drink? Beer of course, and tea. Not the tea that we Irish folk know and love so well. This is a sweet fruit tea. No thanks, not for me!

And what’s this? Glühwein – mulled wine. Now that looks interesting, must try a sip. Mmmm, it’s a bit on the sweet side. Mmmm. But then again, the lemon, cloves and cinnamon cut through the sweetness somewhat.

Oh, Her Ladyship has a white Glühwein. Interesting, I hadn’t realised that you can make mulled wine with white wine too. Must try that. Mmmm. Not too bad at all! I could get used to thisssh.

Man dressed in Krampus costume, red, wth long teeth and horns, holding a stick aloft in right handOh, here comes St. Nicholas and all the Krampusses. Eeeek! These guys are really scary. I could do with a bit of Dutch courage. Just another sip…

Ha. Those guysssh aren’t that schhhcary after all. They’re just making a lot of noise, but they can’t schhhcare me. Hic!

His Lordship’s just left hissssh Glühwein sitting there while he chats to some friends… it wouldn’t do for it to go to wassssshte…. hic!

I love St. Nikolasssssssssh! I love Krampusssssssh! Yaaaah! …

Seamus the Seagull standing on window sill, shutter closed on outside

… wha’, what time is it? Morning already? No way! Oh God, I can’t see a thing! I’ve gone blind! Oh. The Oldies just haven’t opened the shutters yet.Seamus the Seagull at window, sunlight shining on his beak

AAAAAAAARGH! Who turned on the sun? Turn it off! Oh, my head!!

Seamus the Seagull sitting on red sofa, wrapped up in wool blanket with ice pack on his head

Leave me alone.

And don’t ever, EVER, let me drink Glühwein again!


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