The early bird…

The early bird…

Seamus the Seagull on aeroplane looking out windowI’m flying again!

I must say I love flying, but we are going back to Austria, so no more sea for me for a while! I wonder how long we will be staying there this time.

Brrr. It’s already November so I am sure that it’ll be quite chilly. I hope that our next destination will be somewhere warm. And by the sea, of course…

Amazingly, it is not too cold in Austria at all. This wonderful autumnal weather has followed us over from Ireland. Even Her Ladyship, who is naturally a terribly cold creature, has been stripping off layers at a great rate as we go on our daily walks in the local area. (I just hope she doesn’t get too carried away like she did in France. There are a lot more people in this town than in the French one where she did her striptease!*)

Of course, part of the reason why the Oldies tend to get overheated these days is the fact that after so long living ‘on the flat’ in France and Ireland they are no longer used to climbing hills. They are beautiful though. The hills. Not the Oldies!

Wooden frame in park, tree branches in foreground, view of Austrian town in background, large white church on hill, Weiz, Austria
Pretty as a picture

It is wonderful to see the autumn colours and the forests are particularly beautiful at this time of the year.

Seamus the Seagull standing on top of wood pile in forest           Forest with blanket of brown leaves on forest floor

I really like this forest which has a brilliant adventure park for kids. And grown-up kids. And wooden seabirds when nobody is looking. Wheeee!

Seamus the Seagull sitting in red rope hammock in park with wooden hut and trees in background                   Seamus the Seagull sitting at the top of yellow plastic children's slide at top of forested hill in park, pond below

Yes, It is lovely to be back in Austria but it still is taking us a while to get used to again. There are certain things that we had forgotten, or at least put to the back of our minds while we were away.

For example, let me ask you a question: how do you react if the phone rings at six thirty in the morning? Well, from my observations, I reckon it depends very much on where you are.

If you’re in Ireland, you leap up out of bed in a daze, the only coherent thought you manage to formulate being, ‘Who’s just died?’

In France, you assume you must still be dreaming: ‘The phone’s actually working!!???’

In Austria, you put aside whatever you’re doing at that moment, thinking to yourself, ‘Oh goodie! I hope it’s Hannes/Edeltraud/Maximilian/…. I could do with a break and a nice chat.’

Yes, Austria is really for the birds. The early birds, I mean.

After France and Ireland where nothing much stirs before the crack of 8.00 am, it is quite a shock to the system to hear the hum of rush hour traffic at around 5.00 every morning. Here in our small Austrian town life is in full swing by 6.00 am at the latest. Even if you don’t have to get up there is little point in trying to sleep on, what with bins being collected, delivery vans pulling up, council workers carrying out road works and the locals conducting cheery conversations at the top of their voices. Mad!

Oh goodness, it’s already 9.00 pm, I must get some sleep. I have an early start in the morning.

Whether I like it or not.


*See my post ‘More Building Sights’ for all the gory details. Not for the faint-hearted. You have been warned!


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